The concept behind the polar bear brooch

Polishing the polar bear brooch.

Can Polar Bears be saved?

Human-made climate change is threatening the Arctic and the survival of its wildlife.

With temperatures in the Arctic rising twice as fast as the global average, experts predict that the rapid decline in sea ice and liveable, fishable conditions for polar bears will lead to their extinction by 2100 – unless we do something dramatic to change course.

The Fisherman Polar Bear Brooch

As humans, we often relate most to our species. Seeing or experiencing the daily struggle with malnutrition, homelessness, or lack of food evokes empathy among the community, a sense of responsibility and action. However, we tend to forget about the other species' plight with which we share our world. Too often, we overlook animals. Viewed more for their aesthetic appeal than individuals facing similar homelessness and hunger challenges that many face today. Sadly, we often cannot see this destruction until it is too late.

As a species whose main prey are seals – another species under threat - polar bears now have to look for food elsewhere, searching for alternative prey.

The Fisherman Polar Brooch aims to highlight the plight of the polar bear species, their beauty, their fragility and their difficulties in search of food and a home by placing the polar bear into a role and world we can relate.

By creating a direct link between us and the animal kingdom, it's hoped we will share some of our empathy with the world around us.

5% of the sale of this brooch will be donated to WWF's Climate Crisis Fund.



Meticulous mammals


Vitreous Entities