Meticulous mammals

Photo collage of monkey earrings on and off of model.

“Self-Expression (noun) - the expression of one’s feelings, thoughts or ideas, especially in writing, art, music or dance.”

The ability to express ourselves and our individuality is a privilege, which in the past not everyone has had the pleasure to experience. Today, an abundance of modern fashion trends allows us to separate from the crowds, to portray an image which we feel best represents our personality and how we would like to be perceived by others.

As a jeweller, my beliefs and passions are often depicted through the designs I produce, expression begins with the maker and evolves over time dependant on the wearer and the statement they wish to make. ‘Meticulous Mammals’ was developed from a love of animals, investigating how they act in their natural habitats. It was important that whilst they were to be represented in a realistic manner, they were also to be fun and quirky, the type of designs that I would be happy to wear myself. All pieces are cast in recycled silver in order to limit the impact on the environment, it is vital that we look after our world for the sake of both the human race and also the very animals that inspired this collection, so that we can continue to admire them for generations to come.    


Photo collage of cat brooch and earrings - on and off of model

New London Stockist


The concept behind the polar bear brooch