Vitreous Entities

Three enamelled plaques hanging side by side

Animals and wildlife around the world are being placed under significant threat every year. Deforestation, climate change and the exploitation of species through illegal wildlife trade are just a few of the challenges which are continually presented to the planets most vulnerable species. But these challenges also pose a high risk to the long-term survival of the human race, we need to make a change before it is too late.

Hand signing the enamelled plaque

Designed to bring tribute to these very animals ‘Vitreous Entities’ is a collection of enamelled wall hanging pieces, which have been created with the intention of capturing the subjects’ true magnificence. Each piece features a unique, illustrated design which has been fired onto the surface of copper discs and hung onto a satin ribbon, allowing them to be mounted perfectly onto the wall. Enamel is a wonderful medium which reacts with the metal oxides and forms a range of beautiful colours, this variation in colour means no two pieces are exactly the same.

The motivation behind this collection has always been to make a change and as a result 5% of all sales will be donated to WWF – World Wide Fund for Nature, a fantastic charity with a mission to “create a world where people and wildlife can thrive together.”      


The concept behind the polar bear brooch